Axial Flow Turbine Mixing Element
In order to provide a visual explanation of the operation of the Axial Flow Turbine, we have included a video tutorial. Check it out below!

Axial Flow Turbine Bolted

Axial Flow Turbine Welded

Axial Flow Turbine Pin
Tutorial Axial Flow Turbine
In this tutorial, Commercial Director Tom Pruymboom shows you the process of starch gelatinization using a labscale test unit. In it, raw starch is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the mixture is then heated using a heating coil. When it has become a gel, enzymes are added to convert the mixture to glucose. The mixing is done by a mixer shaft equipped with a 2-blade residual stirrer, a 4-blade Axial Flow turbine and a Hydroprop mixing element for a top-over-bottom stirring process with axial flow.
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