BioFoil® Mixing Element
The BioFoil® propeller is not just any propeller. It is Jongia Mixing Technology’s own design for the Biogas market. In the Biogas process gas is generated and disposed of from a tank filled with liquid (digestate).
Recently, this technique has been gaining popularity worldwide and contributes to sustainable energy generation.
Watch our tutorial below.

Tutorial Biofoil
To understand how this unique mixing element works we have created a tutorial. Sales Director Tom Pruymboom explains.
Biofoil Articles

VVTI Biogas Tilburg
VTTI Biogas Tilburg is developing a new bio-energy facility, focusing on processing organic waste. The plant is expected to produce approximately 23 million cubic metres of biogas annually. A portion of this will be converted into green gas for the

Tutorial: How does the BioFoil® propeller work?
The BioFoil® propeller is not just any propeller. It is Jongia Mixing Technology’s own design for the Biogas market. In the Biogas process gas is generated and disposed of from a tank filled with liquid (digestate). Recently, this technique has

The development of a proprietary biogas agitator
Jongia Mixing Technology has been active in the biogas market since 2008. In the process regarding biogas, gas is generated and disposed of from a tank filled with fluid (digestate). This digestate mainly consists of organic waste. Over the last