Fraud Blocker As an entrepreneur, cyber is not your core business

As an entrepreneur, cyber is not your core business

In terms of cyber security, Johan Postma, managing director at Jongia, had already taken quite a few measures, but were they the right ones? Now was he well protected against cybercrime? He decided to take the bull by the horns and used the FME tool Together Digitally Secure.

Johan: “It really helped us further. In an external audit by Lloyds, we were complimented that we had it right.”

Every day there are more than a hundred cyber attacks in the Netherlands alone, and those numbers continue to skyrocket. One in five companies faces it. A virus, hacking, DDos attacks, phishing, ransomware and malware: they can have major consequences. Production processes that come to a halt, business-sensitive information that gets out on the street or intellectual property that is stolen. It costs an entrepreneur a lot of money. A conservative estimate is that the cost of cybercrime worldwide will reach $20 trillion by 2026. A cyberattack can also cause reputational damage if, for example, customers’ personal data is leaked. All business owners must guard against cybercrime, but not every mki company has someone dedicated to do so.

But is that enough?

So did Johan Postma who has been at the helm of Jongia Mixing Technology, supplier of innovative stirring and mixing equipment, for ten years. The Leeuwarden-based company has more than eighty years of experience making mixers, blenders and agitators for food, petro, chemical and bio & environmental applications, and its products are sold worldwide. Questions about cyber he found difficult. Johan: “Of course we were working on this theme. We have everything in the cloud here, work with standardized software packages and are keen on login procedures. But is that enough? I had a hard time answering that question. There are so many agencies that can support you, but who can you trust and based on what criteria do you choose a vendor in that area? As an entrepreneur, cyber is not your core business. The FME tool Together Digitally Safe was a good starting point for me and I am very satisfied with the practical tools FME offers with it.”

Making arrangements with external parties

One of the learnings from the tool for Johan was the discovery that there are many standards available. Also for the shell of suppliers he works with. “For me it was a confirmation that you also have to make agreements with external parties and that there are standardized procedures for that. I wasn’t very aware of that, but it turned out that we had already set up quite a few things well in that respect. Lloyds recently did an audit in which they examined our internal procedures. They were impressed and that’s partly because we used the FME tool. At the same time, you’re never done. In 2024 comes the updated NiS2 (Network and Information Security) directive which contains guidelines for improving the digital and economic resilience of European member states. So we have to work on that.” NiS2 is the successor to the first NiS directive, also known as the NiB, which was incorporated into the Network and Information Systems Security Act (W bni) in the Netherlands in 2016. It is one of the components of the central government’s Dutch Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2028 Action Plan.


Founding Jongia at Zaailand

Our History

From the moment Jongia was founded in 1937 we have been evolving structurally over the years. Learn more about our company’s history with the summary of most important moments highlighted in a timeline.

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