Fraud Blocker Johan Postma and Tom Pruymboom explain Frisian manufacturing
Johan Postma and Tom Pruymboom explain Frisian manufacturing industry

Johan Postma and Tom Pruymboom explain Frisian manufacturing industry 5.0

Mixing technology is for Jongia in Leeuwarden a matter of data analysis, knowledge of process technology and inventing and making the perfect agitator for the industry. Adding value for the customer, thinking in terms of savings and return on investment.

How do you reach the optimum?

Jongia is a leading manufacturer of high quality industrial mixers for a wide range of industries. Jongia mixers can be found in the production of foodstuffs, dairy products, beverages, (petro)chemicals, in the bio-economy and personal care. Worldwide, because about 60 percent of the mixers from Leeuwarden are shipped all over the world. For Friesland Campina factories, for example, but also for Magnum ice creams. “Our challenge is to always make it better. That’s why we increasingly look at the process side. What does the customer want? Let’s define each other’s problem and help solve it. How can we ensure cost savings, less energy consumption, a better product? With sensor technology in our mixers, we learn to collect and analyze data in production processes. Insight into yield, quality, cost and energy consumption, that is our added value. Knowledge is key to delivering the best mixers in the world. It’s ultimately about maximum performance at minimum power input,” says Managing Director Johan Postma.

At the Jongia Test Center, customers gain insight into Jongia mixing technology. “Measuring is knowing, because mixing is the key in a complex process. A lot is done based on experience, assumptions and personal insight. By combining that with our insights and discoveries, we learn to improve processes. We test with sensor technology in mixers to get frames of reference on why a mixer does what it does and how it can be improved: to viscosity, homogeneity, hygiene of agitators, maintenance of mixer and tank. Is and win win for all parties , the customer’s process functions better and can a mixer maybe have a thinner shaft than was always assumed based on experience, can the tank wall be thinner, how much power do you need to reach the optimum?”

1 million liters of juice

“We have discovered that for a bio-digester setup, you can also mix the mass in a rectangular tank just fine instead of in a round tank, as is the standard. As a result, the tank can be produced much more cheaply and the business case becomes a whole different one. We can explain why an agitator that has been functioning perfectly in the Frisia salt plant for fifteen years is so good. We gain insight into the relationship between liquid, stirring speed, shape of the agitator blades and applications in the tank shape, we gain insight into what happens in a tank with liquid or solid and in what order, which factors influence a floating layer. For example, we have developed a magnetic head on an agitator in fully sealed housing to ensure that a million liters of orange juice can be perfectly mixed without liquid leakage and optimal cleanability of the agitator blades. Similarly, we are now experimenting with 3d designs and printed agitator blades instead of stainless steel, we are discovering with which applications and application forms in a tank we can get an even better mix and quality of liquid you,” adds sales director Tom Pruymboom.

Johan Postma: “The Frisian manufacturing industry forms a strong chain that is being discovered by more and more customers worldwide. High-quality knowledge and craftsmanship, short lines of communication and good cooperation with various partners in the region enable Jongia to respond adequately and effectively to customer requests. The reliability and security of supply of materials, components and semi-finished products is essential to us. We like to be challenged to improve processes or to discover what is possible, especially when it seems impossible. By investing in our own research and development and collaborating with knowledge institutions, we not only gain much more insight, but also discover opportunities for new markets. In the bio-economy, in food, in chemistry, in new markets such as protein production by larvae. But also to optimize old techniques like pickling vegetables.”

Johan Postma and Tom Pruymboom explain Frisian manufacturing industry

‘Thinking and making what the customer doesn’t think is possible’

Investing in knowledge and skills

Johan Postma: “We investigate and discover challenges and make it possible for clients to scale up from laboratory to production level. Our strength is to make all determining factors in processes transparent. That is why we are always looking for good people with process knowledge, they can always call us. The service Jongia and its partners offer the process industry, end customers, tank builders, plant designers and builders is increasing all the time. It is the combination of a very good regional supply chain, multidisciplinary research, technological capabilities and outstanding craftsmanship. The more we invest in each other’s knowledge and skills, the better we become at process knowledge to help global customers solve their problem through a better agitator. Because that’s what Jongia is always about: selling, making and delivering the perfect agitator.”

Leeuwarder Courant 15 April 2021

Challenge us to improve your process

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